Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Therapy, therapy, and more therapy!

We've recently added two new forms of therapy to the girls schedule and the girls enjoy both. Here is a list of the therapies they are receiving:

Occupational Therapy - 30 min. a week
Physical Therapy - 30 min. a week
Vision Therapy - 45 min. a week
Water Therapy - 30 min. a week
Massage Therapy - at home

We are currently looking into Music Therapy. I'm not sure if anyone is available in our area; our PT mentioned it in conversation and we're interested. Paige's PT commented that Paige is showing the ability to be sitting already. The challenge is keeping her focused on something long enough to want to sit. They have transition to milk and are slowly adjusting to more solid foods. They are not feed on their own yet. Bree has yet to hold her bottle like Paige. Bree's vision is my main concern. Her eye's are consistantly moving independant from one another. They will see the Opthomologist in a few weeks and I will be asking about a neuro opthomologist referral. They both are suffering from allergies this week and have not slept well. Eating is more difficult because they can not breath through their noses. Lots of fussing and crying!!! We see the ped tomorrow to see what he says.

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