Saturday, November 24, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Thanksgiving this year was spent at my grandmother's house. My mother, sister and her family, brother, and all of my gang spent the day cooking ,eating and remembering all the things we're truly thankful for. We decided to fry our turkey which, I believe, is the best way to cook a turkey. The food was good but being with our family made it great. Our family has been through so much this year - the loss of my grandfather and Pete's grandfather, Paige and Bree's diagnosis, and the financial burden of have two sick children. We've made it though! Everyday has it's challenges but we get through them and we know that we have eachother to do it. Our family has been there for us every step of the way and for that we are truly THANKFUL.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Second Series of Tests

Last week the girls visited the geneticist to have the last series of test ran for Rett Syndrome. They only drew blood from Bree to save money since the test is so expensive ($2700.00 before insurance). It is assumed that if the test comes back positive on Bree it will for Paige as well. This test will be looking for a mutation of the CDKL5 gene. This particular gene mutation is linked specifically to Atypical Rett Syndrome. The test will be performed at Baylor University in Houston, Texas and will take 4 weeks to receive the results. We pray everyday that the results are negative and our daughter will have as normal of a life as possible. If this test comes back negative their neurologist would like us to take them to Shands Hospital in Gainsville for additional test. Yet again, more waiting and seeing!!!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween!!!
This year was the girls first time to celebrate Halloween. Last year the girls were only 2 days old and in Pediatric Intensive Care after a very premature birth. Big Brother Connor was a doctor, Paige was a pink flower fairy and Bree was a purple one. We decided to stayed home with the girls and hand out candy to all the children that came by. Connor went with his cousin Trick or Treating and had a great time. Here are some of the pictures taken that evening.