Thursday, August 13, 2009

Poor Little Paigey - Day 1

This past few days have been pretty rough for the family...especially Paige. Just last week the neuro was saying how pleased he was to see the girls doing so well. Then Monday happened! The morning started off a little strangly for Paige. I picked her up out of her crib and brought her out to their play area, as I do every morning. As I turned around to get Bree I heard a loud thunk. I turned around and found Paige laying flat on her back...she just fell straight back from a sitting position. I went over to pick her up and notice she was very stiff and unresponsive. I flashed back to the day she fell from the back of the couch and went unconscious. It was a little different this time. She snapped out of it pretty quick, so I proceeded to get Bree.

For the next two hours Paige cried and cried. I decided to lie down on the couch with her and after a couple of minutes she vomitted all over herself and me. I put her in the tub...somewhere she loves to play, but she just sat there. She vomitted four more times before lunch. I couldn't explain it. It was nap time and she went down with no fuss. I knew she would be tired after such an exhausting morning. About an hour into her nap I heard some fussing, so I went in her room to check on her. I walked in on something I've been dreading for over two years...she was having a tonic-clonic seizure (some may call it a grand mal seizure). After 8 minutes I finally called 911 and when the paramedics arrived the rushed her straight to the EVAC where they decided to take her to the emergency room.

She continues to seize until she arrive at the ER, where they put an IV in her leg to give her a very large dose of Ativan. By the time I got there the seizure was under control. From the times I could account for I put the seizure at 27 minutes. I don't know how long she went for before I heard her cry, but she may have gone into status epilepticus, which can cause brain damage and even death. Paige slept the entire time we were in the ER and seem unaware of where she was or who was there. After 6 hours in the ER and several blood tests, x-ray, CT scan, and a spinal tap, infection was ruled out and she was able to be transferred to Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children in Orlando.

I will update you on our stay at Arnold Palmer in my next post. Here is the video I took of Paige during her seizure. It may be upsetting to some.

1 comment:

kirstenpetree said...

oh my goodness...I'm so sorry to hear this:( praying it will all get better soon.