Sunday, August 9, 2009

Neuro gives ok / Social Worker visits

The girls had their yearly visit with the neuro today. He was very pleased to see all the progress the girls have made and confirmed the diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy. We discussed weaning Bree off her meds. since her last seizure was a year and a half ago. He gave us a script of an EEG that we can do at anytime at Arnold Palmer Hospital. Once he had read the report and see that their is no seizure activity he will go over the process of weaning her off the Lamictal. He said Paige appeared to be at an 18 month old level, while Bree is at a 12 month old level. The worry of microcephaly is gone since their skull grew 3/4 of a millimeter...the grow stalled for some time last year. He said he would like to see them on a yearly basis from here on out. It was a great visit.
Later that afternoon a social worker from the school board came to the house to conduct a family/medical history meeting. He was a very nice gentleman and asked use more questions then I was prepared for. He asked us about everything from my pregnacy, their birth, hospitalizations, diagnoses, and overall health. He then asked about each girls strenghts and weakness, what kind of personalities they had, their best qualities, and any concerns. After a series of questions he mentioned that they show signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder. He said he's not a doctor and doesn't diagnose, but he sees many kids with this disorder and is seeing similar signs in the girls. This is something we need to look into more and talk to their Primary Care doctor. Now that that meeting has taken place we only have one more evaluation, Psycological test, and then they will combine all their reports and set up an IEP meeting. Then the girls will be ready to start school and get all the services they need. I can't believe their turning three soon!

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