Monday, January 26, 2009

Shriner's here we come!

We finally made our appointment with Shriner's Hospital in Tampa. We're scheduled for February 11 to speak with the doctor about new DAFOs to replace the one's the girls outgrew months ago. DAFOs (Dynamic Ankle Foot Orthoses) are basically a brace the girls wear on their feet to help keep their ankles aligned properly to aid in standing and walking. They will have X-rays of their hips and legs, as well, to check for proper bone growth. Shriner's Hospital is a facility specifically for children with orthopedic and burn issues. They provide free services and will assist the girls with any future need...any equipment such as wheelchairs or walkers. This will be especially helpful when they start school after they turn 3 in October. We are toughing it out and making the 2 1/2 hour drive there and back the same day. We know if will be tough on the girls being in the car for 5 hours, in addition to the long appointment. It will be tough for us as well. I'll update you on how the appointment goes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I am glad to here about your appointment! I didn't know you were headed to Shriners..THEY ARE AMAZING! When I lived in Tampa we did a lot of work with them and the things they do for families will blow your mind away. I know it is a long drive, but I think you will see it is well worth it. I am glad to see the wedding plans are going well! Hope to talk to you soon!
