Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Long post!

I feel like such a slacker for not updating the girls blog, but I've been so busy with all the wedding planning. So I'm finally taking time out of my busy day to let you know what's going on. The girls are doing great. Paige started Speech Therapy two weeks ago and is doing well so far. Right now they are working on labeling everyday items. For example, they will show her a flashcard of a banana and say "Here is a banana", then they will put an apple and a banana on the table and ask her to get the banana. She seems to understand, but when it come to "Give me the banana" she seems to lose it and just throws the banana to the floor. Besides that, she has developed quite the vocabulary. She loves to sing and says "I do it" "diga diga ba (take a bath), "walk (any time you stand her up she has to walk) and "what's that". She's definately aware of her surroundings...when we pull up to Aqua Park for swim therapy she'll say "pool, kick kick kick, and dig dig dig" which are words they use while she's in the water. Enough about about Bree Bree. She is really coming along. We recently had to lower her bed. After going into her room one night, to find her standing up for the first time, we decided it was time. We actually caught her hung over the side of her bed, almost in Paige's bed. She's starting to gain some balance response when sitting and is starting to use her hands to hold herself up. While her development isn't as steading as we would like it, we're still proud of the little milestones she does reach. The best part is that she's been seizure free for almost a year. We're proud of our little angels.

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