Friday, December 26, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Happy Birthday Paige and Bree
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
We get to wear glasses!!!
The girls got their glasses today in the mail. We were so excited to put them on the girls and they were curious as well. Paige was looking all around and trying to understand what she was seeing. Bree wore them for a bit and like Paige they were in their mouths pretty quick. I know it will take some getting used to, but I'm hopeful this is what they need. Here are some pictures of the girls trying on their new glasses.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
A Beautiful Sight
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Therapy Evaluations
Stationary----------------11 months---------8 months
Locomotion---------------9 months----------7 months
Object Manipulation------13 months---------12 months
Long term goals:
Paige - to walk four step without assistance
Bree - to sit unassisted and play with a toy for thirty minutes
Short term goals:
Paige - cruise left and right five feet with verbal cuing and to creep with reciprocal pattern
Bree - be able to move into and out of sitting without assistance and creep forward five feet without assistance.
My personal goal for the girls is to see them walk down the aisle next October in our wedding. I am confident that will happen.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Our Wedding Website
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Visit with the Neurosurgeon
Thursday, August 21, 2008
New Pictures
What are they up to now!
Paige continues to thrive and Bree continues to do her best. Last week I spoke the the Speech Therapist at First Steps and she said the Paige's speech level is at her corrected age level and sees no need for therapy at this time. She will do a full assessment with both of the girls in October. Bree is finally sleeping throught the night and we have notices she's more alert during the day now. Sitting for Bree doesn't seem to be something in the near future but I work with her everyday...stretching and rubbing the stiffness in her hips and legs. She is showing more interest in toys and has even pulled herself to grab them. Her biggest hurdle is her sight. Her left eye is constantly turned inward and we're hoping the neuro-opthomolgist will have something to say about it next month. Paige is...well...Paige! She's very stubborn and if she can't get what she wants she will scream till she does. Everyday I am picking up the dog bowls because she loves to play in them. We have to keep Connor's bedroom door shut because she's always getting into something, and the countless times I have to go in her room and tell her to lay down and go "night night".
Everyday is an adventure with the girls and everyday I wake-up wondering what they will do today!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Happy Birthday Daddy!
More Comments and Myspace Layouts at
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Class of '98 Reunion
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Go, Go, Go!!!
Monday, July 14, 2008
A Magical day at the Magic Kingdom
More Free Graphics and Myspace Layouts at
Friday, July 4, 2008
All Talk...
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
You'll be Missed!

The past couple of weeks have been difficult for our family. Two weeks ago Pete's father was admitted into the hospital for kidney failure. He'd recently been there for the same problem and had undergone dialysis. He was diagnosed with lung cancer a year and a half ago and over the past few weeks his health began to deteriorate. Pete and his family spent everyday by his bedside...not knowing if he'd ever come home. When Hospice was introduced to continue his care everyone knew it would be a matter of days. Around 4 a.m. Monday morning...the day after Father's Day...Donald passed way. He left behind a wife, daughter, son, and three grandchildren. He was the only grandfather for Paige and Bree...unfortunately they will never remember him. Services were held in Worcester, MA...where we just returned from. Even though we knew his time was coming, the passing of a loved one is never easy.
This post is dedicated the a man who will never be forgotten.
Donald Coderre
March 31, 1946 - June 16, 2008
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Nathaniel's Hope Make 'm Smile 2008
The girls and I attended an event today called Make 'm Smile... a day dedicated to honoring and celebrating kid with special needs. This is the 6th year held in Orlando at beautiful Lake Eola. We were paired with other families for a "Buddy Walk" around the park...visiting all the booths and enjoying the entertainment. It was especially exciting for us because we were able to me a mommy and daughter frome the Infantile Spasms support group on Yahoo! Amy, and daughter Katelyn, have kept in contact with us through email and phone calls for quite a few months now. Today we were finally able to meet face-to-face. Everyone had a great time...enduring the heat and humidity...and brought home bags full of goodies. The vendors there were great and we can't wait to go back next year. A special thank you to Amy for inviting the girls and I. We can't wait to see you guys again.
Visit Nathaniel's Hope for more information!
Also visit our photo album for photos of the day. There are also new pictures in the "12mths and up" album.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
So much to do...too little time
The girls are still teething and continue to be fussy throughout the day. There are good days...some for Paige and some for Bree. We continue to work with Paige on getting into the sitting position. For Bree, we're still working on her balance and position will sitting. Both are showing interests in crawling... I'll find them on their hands and knees often. Paige has even started to "army crawl". Bree is working on focusing on toys as she plays with them while Paige is working on releasing toys into a bucket. They are becoming more vocal and babble sounds as if they are really telling you something. Their weight continues to concern me. Paige has lost .5 lb. in the past 3 months. While I know she become more active in the passing months... with her constant appetite I would expect some gain if not maintaining the weight she had. Bree has stayed constant in her weight... neither gaining nor losing.
This weekend the girls and I will be attending an event in Orlando at Lake Eola for families and kids with Special Needs. It's called Make M' Smile... a day filled with fun activites, free food, entertainment, and the opportunity to meet other's in our situation. I will be getting together with a mom from Melbourne who had a two year old daughter with IS. We've emailed and talked on the phone for many months now and I excited to finally meet her. I will let all of you know how everything goes and promise to add more photos.
Friday, May 16, 2008
All about mama!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Sorry I haven't written!
Bree's seizure remain under control while Paige has shown no signs. Their personalities have really developed over the past month. Paige is our rough and tumble girl. she's constantly on the move and always beating up on her little sister. Just the other day she bit Bree so hard on the thigh she still has bruises. she has non-stop energy and loves her Jumperoo. Paige now has 8 teeth and has become quite the back talker; doing whatever it takes to get our attention. Bree is our little cuddle bug. she's perfectly content laying on the floor watching what sissy is doing. Paige is always stealing her toys so she never really gets a chance to play. she loves to be held and she gives the best hugs and kisses. Bree only has 6 teeth but her smile is what I love the most.
There continues to be some sleep issues with some nights only getting 4-5 hours of sleep. While this isn't an everynight thing, between the two of them, it's everynight for me. For now the doctor visits are taking a break until June, so all I have to deal with is therapy 4 days a week. For now, life is good!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Stressed !!!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
They're Back ! ! !
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Neuro visit
The girls had an appointment with their neuro on Wednesday. He was very pleased to see how well they were both doing. We asked when Bree would be able to come off the AED. He told us he wasn't in any hurry because if she had a seizure her development could fall back again. He also agreed with me to hold off on vaccinations until they're at least two years old. He sees no need for an EEG at this time but if we do suspect seizure activity he will request one. He also reminded us that if we would like to be referred to Shands in Gainsville or Miami he would be glad to. He wants us to know that we've done everything we could to diagnose the girls. We also asked about seeing a neuro-opthomologist. He told us there wouldn't be much they could tell us that he hasn't. So the appt. went very well. We will see him again in July.
Both the girls are making progress when it comes to sitting. Paige sat last night for almost two minutes. The therapist are working with them to stop the extension (back-arching). Paige was able to pick up two pegs from a peg board and put them in a bucket. Her hand/eye coordination is really starting to come along. Bree was able to push herself onto all fours with so light pressure on her bottom. While it only last for a few second it's still a milestone to me. They are being evaluted by the PT for their 6 month check. They have been approved for continued services through EI for another 6 months. We're still waiting to hear when they will be receiving their Bottoms-Up seat as well as the shoe inserts.
Water Therapy continues to be going well. Last week the girls were able to relax their arm for the first time, as well as be completely submerged without getting upset. They absolutely love the water and it's fun being involved in the process. Saturdays are becoming our favorite day of the week and I may start Connor with swim lessons. I know he would love it and will learn quickly.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Therapy, therapy, and more therapy!
Occupational Therapy - 30 min. a week
Physical Therapy - 30 min. a week
Vision Therapy - 45 min. a week
Water Therapy - 30 min. a week
Massage Therapy - at home
We are currently looking into Music Therapy. I'm not sure if anyone is available in our area; our PT mentioned it in conversation and we're interested. Paige's PT commented that Paige is showing the ability to be sitting already. The challenge is keeping her focused on something long enough to want to sit. They have transition to milk and are slowly adjusting to more solid foods. They are not feed on their own yet. Bree has yet to hold her bottle like Paige. Bree's vision is my main concern. Her eye's are consistantly moving independant from one another. They will see the Opthomologist in a few weeks and I will be asking about a neuro opthomologist referral. They both are suffering from allergies this week and have not slept well. Eating is more difficult because they can not breath through their noses. Lots of fussing and crying!!! We see the ped tomorrow to see what he says.