Sunday, September 21, 2008

Therapy Evaluations

The girls had their physical and occupational therapy evals last week. They both have showed improvement over the past 6 months and have meet that goals that were set. These are the age equivilents that the girls scored under the PDMS-2.

Stationary----------------11 months---------8 months

Locomotion---------------9 months----------7 months

Object Manipulation------13 months---------12 months

Long term goals:
Paige - to walk four step without assistance
Bree - to sit unassisted and play with a toy for thirty minutes

Short term goals:
Paige - cruise left and right five feet with verbal cuing and to creep with reciprocal pattern
Bree - be able to move into and out of sitting without assistance and creep forward five feet without assistance.

My personal goal for the girls is to see them walk down the aisle next October in our wedding. I am confident that will happen.

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