Friday, October 9, 2009

Bree's eye surgery

Bright and early this morning...well, not was 5am, Pete and Bree were off to Orlando. I had to stay home with Paige and take Connor to school. Her surgery was schedule for 8am and by 9:30 she was wheeled to recovery. Everything went well; the dr. went in and cut the muscles that run along the side of each eye. He decided to only cut the medial muscles in hopes that it wouldn't cause an over/under correction. We were given the success rate of 70% and we'll take it. With out this surgery, Bree would most likely lose vision in her left eye. So, the chance is worth taking. She will have to get drops in both eyes three times a day for a week and Tylenol as needed. She ate lunch, which is a good sign, as eye surgery can cause nausea. We'll be keeping a watchful eye on her, making sure she's not rubbing her eyes too hard. She will have a pinkish tinge to her tears and the whites of her eyes are pretty blood shot. Overall we are very pleased with the outcome so is a video of Bree about 2 hours after the surgery.

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